Starting at level 0 in CLASS

We start at the beginning, but we expect our students to have already started with learning Dutch themselves. The alphabet and numbers are assumed to be known and some verbs, pronomen etc.
The atmosphere in the lessons is informal and pleasant. We always start the lesson with tea and coffee and then discuss the homework. During the lesson the focus will be on understanding the grammar and on speaking.
For more information: send an email.

Monday  9 september, 9.30 – 11.30 AM 

12 lessons (2 hours per lesson)€ 405,00, incl. materials (in a group of maximum 5 students)


On your way from level A1 to level A2  in class (Haarlem-Centre) september 2024

This course starts at level A1. This means that you can already speak a little bit of Dutch about daily matters. You can also tell what you did yesterday or describe someone.

dinsdag 3 sept, woensdag 4 sept.,   9.30 – 11.30 AM.  13 lessons of two hours.

€ 405,00



Alle cursussen zijn onder voorbehoud van voldoende deelnemers. Bij meer dan 10 lessen kan in 2 termijnen betaald worden

niveau A1 niveau A2 niveau B1




U kunt ons bereiken via:

(06) 18438143 – (06) 28332293
Haarlem en omgeving